I Love My Librarians!!!

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Welcome back!

Welcome back BHS!
This summer has flown by - as all summers seem to do! Did you get all the reading done that you wanted? Did you find more books at the library or bookstore that you just couldn't resist? Isn't it great that there are always new creative books that just find their way to you? Did you try a new genre? I love historical novels, but I read a mystery and was just fascinated by not only the story, but also the structure of the book. It seems to me that mystery writers' minds work very differently, to be able to create the story line, build characters, leave clues, know the ending and yet not give it away. If you haven't read a good mystery, perhaps give one a try. Below is an address for a good starting point for finding a mystery:

We have a new librarian at Barrington High School! Her name is Janet Anderson and she has worked previously at Oswego High School Library as well as Naperville's Districts 203 and 204 as an elementary librarian. Please stop by the Library to say hello and introduce yourself.

I am looking forward to another exciting school year! I hope your year is a good one!

Keep reading!