I Love My Librarians!!!

Click here to nominate your librarian for the 2011 I Love My Librarian Award

Monday, April 21, 2008

Playaways are Here!

What's a Playaway? Playaways are small MP3 Players that have a complete, unabridged book on each player. Students and faculty can checkout classic titles as well as the latest new fiction! Click here to see available titles:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Poetry Cafe

The BHS Library is happy to promote our

Wed, April 30th

During Lunch Periods

Come to watch or share a poem or song!

Sign up in the Library!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Lovi's Classes Give you Their Recommendations!

For some tips on GREAT books to read, checkout the books that Ms. Lovi's classes are recommending! Click on the cover to find the book at BHS!