I Love My Librarians!!!

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Picture 1

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Dana Hilgers said...

Laurent is practicing pulling a quarter out of Bella's ear, to improve his magic trick.

-Dana Hilgers

Beverly Dines said...

In the first movie I wanted to protect you, but now I see what all the fuss is about. I'm going to eat you...hope you don't mind.

Beverly Dines said...

Umm...sorry, but you have a loose hair I really have to get it. It was really bugging me. So, where were we? Oh, yeah! I was about to eat you..lets get back to that.

Mrs. Anderson said...

Ok, OK, almost got it...there! You're earing is fine, but your sweater has a snag now...

Laura Schweizer said...

Your hair smells amazing! Do you use Pantene?

Jacky Wojcik said...

Wow, you really DO have a tattoo on your ear! Didn't it hurt??

Mrs. Walsh said...


"Wow, you really DO have a tattoo on your ear! Didn't it hurt!!"