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Monday, September 14, 2009

The Books are Flying off the Shelves!

What a great welcome back to the school year! We have had an unprecedented number of books checked out as the year began! Some books that are so popular that unless you put them on hold now, you may not get a chance to see them on the shelves until after winter break are:

1 comment:

The Quiet Archivest said...

If you are looking for good fiction books, I recommend The Hunger Games and Catching Fire. The stories are amazing reads, packed with action, mystery (in a way) and a bit of a love story. If the fantasy theme does not really fit your style and you like Sci-Fi, I'd recommend "Enders Game". The story is a little odd and is a little hard to follow at times because of multiple perspectives, (not to mention the HORRIBLE cover art..) but Enders Game is a VERY good Sci-Fi read none the less.