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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Library Student Board Contest Winners!!!

Teen Read Week Contest: Sponsored by Library Student Board
Books to Movies, held 11-7 to 11-10

Questions: 1. What did Dumbledore supposedly see in the Mirror of Erised?
Answer: Woolen socks

Question: 2. Where is Miss Celis from and why does this make the other women resent her?
Answer: She is from Sugar Ditch, they resent her because she poor, uneducated and takes
marries Hilly's old boyfriend.

Question: 3. What gadgets does Alex get? (In the book)
Answer: He gets a yo-yo, a gameboy color, and zit cream.

Question: 4. What religion is Carrie's mother?
Answer: She is a Christian Fundamentalist.

Congratulations to the winners!!! Nate Myren, Dana Hilgers and Duyen Le of the 3 iPod Nanos with preloaded Overdrive audiobooks!!!

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